Monday, January 20, 2014

Switching To Android: Google’s Own Advice

A lot of people have realized that there is a lot of options out there for smartphones and have started looking around. You would think that iPhone users would be pretty loyal and keep getting iPhones when they upgrade, but that isn’t really the case anymore. People want new toys, which means having the latest and greatest technology. Since Apple no longer has the latest and greatest (well at least at the moment), customers are starting to waiver and go elsewhere. Luckily, Google’s Executive Chairman, Eric Schmidt made it a little bit easier by giving you steps to drop your iPhone and switch to Android.

It’s A Simple Conversion
If you ask Schmidt, he’d tell you that it is all about conversion. You have to learn about and accept Android over Apple, which shouldn’t be too difficult. We’re ever so grateful to have his words of wisdom to help us figure out how to start buying more of his phones and increase his paycheck. It was awfully nice of him. But if you are seriously considering the switch, this guide might actually be helpful. Here they are, from Google’s Schmidt himself:

1. Set up the Android phone: With some sub-steps, Schmidt show you how to power on your phone, login to Gmail to get started, and figure out the basics of the phone. This is very basic, though, so don’t get your hopes up if you aren’t computer savvy.

2. Update your iPhone or iPad: The reason for this is that you can sync your contact and music with your computer and then your phone if you have everything updated on your iPad or iPhone. Otherwise, it could get pretty tricky.

3. Connect music to Google on Mac: This is an important step if you want to use your phone for music as well. Most people like to have their music accessible everyone but also only like to buy it through iTunes. This step will help you convert your music, so you can even listen to it on your Android phone.

4. Put SIM from iPhone into Android: Though Schmidt points out you might need an adaptor for this step in the process, it will quickly and easily transfer all your information to the new phone. If you don’t do this, you will probably lose all your pictures and not have the ability to back those old ones up to the cloud. All Android photos will automatically be backed up to the cloud, taking this step out of the process with new phones in the future.

Should You Make The Switch?
Obviously, Schmidt has a bias when it comes to giving you advice on a phone to buy. Since he benefits every time you buy a new Android, you may want to take his advice with a grain of salt. But you may actually want to transition to a new phone. Maybe Apple doesn’t have that spark that it used to and maybe you can find newer technology elsewhere. And it’s not like you can’t ever go back if you decide you don’t like the new phone or if Apple comes out with something better. That’s the beauty of smartphones. You can get them changed as often as your hairstyle if you want, or you can stay with the same thing your whole life. Either way, it’s your decision, and you should do whatever makes you happy.

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