Wednesday, April 23, 2014

January Slump - Follow With Texter Deals

January is a dreaded month for most businesses. Christmas is over, and everyone has already returned and bought everything after Christmas. Now, you are probably trying to figure out how you can quickly get more customers through the door. There’s no time to develop and execute a marketing strategy, and really you just need customers for a few more weeks before Valentine’s Day and Taxes bring in more business. The best way is to use texter deals.

Start With A Text
Texting is a great way to communicate with your customers. Not only will the be able to ask you questions and get automated answers, but you will also be able to communicate with them during the slower periods. Texter deals are the best way to go. If you need more customers right now to get you through the January slump, all you have to do is send a text offering some sort of discount or free items. This will bring in customers, especially if it is for a limited time only. Offer a coupon good only until the end of January, and you should be able to bring in more business. Better yet, offer discounts only available on the weekend to get customers in right now.

Figure Out What To Offer
The key to marketing isn’t just sending out a deal. The key is to market what people actually need. Far too many companies think that the goal is to convince customers to buy something they don’t necessarily need. And while it is true that your customers probably don’t desperately need a new shirt every week or extra sweets, it is as good as a need to them if they want it and have the money to buy it. What your marketing should focus on is filling that need. When you market towards filling a need in society instead of just something extra to buy, all of the sudden people want it a lot more, according to VerticalResponse. Try and make sure you show your customers the need they need to fill and how you can best help them.

No More Campaigns: Think Long Term
Getting over the winter hurdle might be best spent focusing on creating long term relationships instead of short term gratification. Maybe a coupon will bring in customers now, but will they still be your customers next year? Make sure you boost your customer service efforts to build better relationships. Customer service is especially important after everyone has just done all their Christmas shopping and now has nothing left to do but complain. One way to build and maintain these relationships is through texting. Your customers will like text programs because they get coupons, but it is even more valuable to know there is someone on the other end to help if you are having any problems. Your customers will appreciate your close-up attention to help them anytime they need it, whether it be for your store hours, directions to your location, questions about an order, and more. With quick and easy access to customer service through texting, your customers will feel like you are taking care of them and will come back again and again. Send the texter deals, but make sure you follow up with great customer service.

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Monday, April 21, 2014

Mobile Marketing In 2014

As with all things involving technology, the mobile marketing industry is constantly changing. With the new year comes new changes. Experts have differing opinions about what trends you can expect to see with mobile marketing but all agree that this year will be the biggest yet for mobile marketing. More consumers will be conducting mobile searches than ever before and more consumers will be making purchases from their mobile devices. Businesses hoping to capitalize will want to stay up to date with the latest mobile marketing trends. Here’s a look at a few most experts can agree on.
Personalized Messages
Already the most common form of mobile advertisement is a mobile offer. By giving customers great deals, they are more likely to make purchases. But if you really want to turn a curious shopper to an actual buyer, you want to send them a personalized offer. Mobile technology has advanced to a point where very specific offers can be automatically sent based on what the shopper is looking for. If a shopper is on a retailer’s mobile website researching a certain type of product and a deal suddenly pops up for that product, that customer is going to be much more likely to make the purchase.
Location Based Marketing
Already a growing trend, location based marketing allows businesses to automatically advertise to customers who are nearby. It’s expected than in 2014, location based marketing can be used at a micro level. Say a customer is in a popular retail store and as they near the electronics section, they receive a notification regarding sales in that department of the store. The right deal at just the right time is going to be far more effective than an advertisement received while sitting at home.
You’ve heard the phrase “casting a wide net.” This is the opposite. Rather than waste valuable advertising dollars to send a message that 99% of people won’t respond to, you can reach out to the 5% of your audience who are most likely to act on that message. That way, 20% of your target audience responds instead of 1%.
Since mobile marketing began, text message marketing (or SMS) was the dominant channel. At the current rate however, MMS is going to overtake SMS soon, maybe in 2014. MMs is different than SMS in that it allows businesses to exceed the 160 character limit. With MMS, businesses can send images, audio and video clips, and links to online content or social media sites.
Micro Content
In the mobile marketing world especially, less really is more. Because mobile users are viewing content on a smaller screen while on the go, they’re likely to lose interest faster than a person sitting at a computer. For this reason, 2014 should see content continue to grow shorter.
People are competitive by nature and are inexplicably drawn to anything that awards them. Mobile ads that entice consumers by offering points or badges are likely to be more successful than traditional ads. 2014 will see more marketers looking for ways to “gamify” their marketing strategy.
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Mobile Marketing In 2014

As with all things involving technology, the mobile marketing industry is constantly changing. With the new year comes new changes. Experts have differing opinions about what trends you can expect to see with mobile marketing but all agree that this year will be the biggest yet for mobile marketing. More consumers will be conducting mobile searches than ever before and more consumers will be making purchases from their mobile devices. Businesses hoping to capitalize will want to stay up to date with the latest mobile marketing trends. Here’s a look at a few most experts can agree on.
Personalized Messages
Already the most common form of mobile advertisement is a mobile offer. By giving customers great deals, they are more likely to make purchases. But if you really want to turn a curious shopper to an actual buyer, you want to send them a personalized offer. Mobile technology has advanced to a point where very specific offers can be automatically sent based on what the shopper is looking for. If a shopper is on a retailer’s mobile website researching a certain type of product and a deal suddenly pops up for that product, that customer is going to be much more likely to make the purchase.
Location Based Marketing
Already a growing trend, location based marketing allows businesses to automatically advertise to customers who are nearby. It’s expected than in 2014, location based marketing can be used at a micro level. Say a customer is in a popular retail store and as they near the electronics section, they receive a notification regarding sales in that department of the store. The right deal at just the right time is going to be far more effective than an advertisement received while sitting at home.
You’ve heard the phrase “casting a wide net.” This is the opposite. Rather than waste valuable advertising dollars to send a message that 99% of people won’t respond to, you can reach out to the 5% of your audience who are most likely to act on that message. That way, 20% of your target audience responds instead of 1%.
Since mobile marketing began, text message marketing (or SMS) was the dominant channel. At the current rate however, MMS is going to overtake SMS soon, maybe in 2014. MMs is different than SMS in that it allows businesses to exceed the 160 character limit. With MMS, businesses can send images, audio and video clips, and links to online content or social media sites.
Micro Content
In the mobile marketing world especially, less really is more. Because mobile users are viewing content on a smaller screen while on the go, they’re likely to lose interest faster than a person sitting at a computer. For this reason, 2014 should see content continue to grow shorter.
People are competitive by nature and are inexplicably drawn to anything that awards them. Mobile ads that entice consumers by offering points or badges are likely to be more successful than traditional ads. 2014 will see more marketers looking for ways to “gamify” their marketing strategy.
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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Privacy Concerns With The iPhone

Here in America, we like our privacy. There is nothing we hate more than the idea that someone could come into the most private parts of our lives and watch what we are doing or somehow see everything. That is why it really freaks us out to hear about the NSA spying on us. And it is especially scary when the NSA  taps our iPhones, an allegation Apple has denied.

Tapping iPhones

In the last few months, it seems there have been a lot of instances of hacked information, tapped phones, and webcam hacks. Maybe we’re just getting better at hacking, or maybe our technology isn’t secure as we thought. Despite all those things, iPhone users now have to worry about Dropout Jeep, according to ABC News, a program supposedly used by the NSA to hack into iPhone. Not only would the NSA have the ability to read text messages, listen in on phone calls, and download phone contact information, but they would also be able to turn on the microphone and camera on the phone to gather intel. Few people feel comfortable with giving anyone this kind of control over their lives, and our phones hold everything important to us now.

Apple Says It Isn’t True

Though most people believe that this kind of thing would not be possible without the help of Apple assisting the NSA in the Dropout Jeep program, Apple denies any involvement. And even if Apple was involved, the program may not even work on current smartphones since it was supposedly created back in 2008. Hopefully Apple was not involved in something like this and would never compromise its customers’ security for anything. It’s unlikely that we’ll ever know the truth, though.

The Scariest Part

Most people aren’t too worried about the government reading their emails, listening to their phone calls, and reading texts. Either we are too busy to care or just assume it only happens when necessary and only when it is to help our country. There are two things that really worry people. First of all, iPhones are supposed to be secure. Companies have switched from BlackBerry to iPhone specifically because the encryption is supposed to be the same or better. It is unnerving to think it is easy to break that security and get access to private company information. Second, the idea that someone could, at any time, turn on your phone’s camera and see you is scary. There are personal moments you wouldn’t want anyone to see let alone have recorded by the government, and your phone is with you during a lot of those moments.

Is This Really News?

Is anyone really all that surprised about this? The government has been hacking phones and getting into our personal lives for a long time now. Maybe the shock factor is more that we all hoped it wasn’t true. Even though we all knew that these kinds of things happened, we didn’t really believe that we would be affected by it.

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Sunday, April 13, 2014

AT&T vs. T-Mobile: Who Will Win?

When it comes to cell phone carriers, T-Moibile and AT&T  top the list of inexpensive top competitors with Verizon and Sprint. However, which of these companies is really on top? In fact, the war is so bad between these two that they are willing to lost money and drop prices beyond belief for customers who are willing to switch over. There are plenty of incentives to change plans already, but bonus cash might be enough to push you over the edge.

Get Cash From AT&T
If you are a T-Mobile customer, you can switch to AT&T and get $200 just for making the switch, according to Reuters. That can be used on top of other promotions leading to an extra $50 for phone trade-in. Customers now have more than enough reasons to switch from T-Mobile. But this kind of thing is what starts a war, and T-Mobile will likely shoot back with some kind of offer for customers switching from AT&T soon. In the coming weeks, we’ll see just how loyal T-Mobile customers are and how many really want to switch over to another carrier.

Only For A Limited Time
AT&T explains that this is only a limited time offer and won’t be available forever. If you qualify for the switch, this would be a good time to change your plan. Most people don’t want to go through the hassle of changing phone plans though, and who knows if this offer will even be available in a month when your contract is up. There are few people who will actually qualify for the offer right now.

Potential New Family Plan
Some people are guessing that AT&T will be releasing a new family plan. Since the company’s goal this year is to focus more on families, there is a good chance a new plan will be released favoring plans with multiple phone lines. It is possible that AT&T could win over more families this year between the $200 credit for switching carriers and the new family plans that will probably be announced soon. Every phone carrier offers discounts for plans with multiple phones, so the $200 bonus for switching might be the touch it needs to steal customers and increase business.

Shareholders Don’t Like It
This is the kind of bold fighting tactics that shareholders don’t like. Not only did the shares for T-Mobile drop, which is to be expected considering it will probably lose some business, the shares for AT&T dropped. Some people find it confusing that shares would drop when AT&T is pretty much guaranteed to get more business. The truth is, nobody wants to be associated with the company that just started a pissing match. Maybe it will turn into nothing, and maybe T-Mobile won’t retaliate, but there’s a good chance this will lead to competitive offers from both companies.

In the end, neither company will win. Both of them will lose money trying to outdo the other one. In fact, AT&T is already going to be losing some money by offering the $200 incentive, so maybe the extra customers won’t be worth it. When all is said and done, it will be an Apple vs. Samsung scenario where both companies lose a lot of time, money, and credibility after years of fighting.

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Using Text Message Marketing Is Key

Have you ever heard of the term SMS? It is just a fancy way to say text. When companies tell you to start working on SMS Marketing, they really mean you need to start working on text message marketing with your consumers. Not only is it a powerful way to send messages to your customers informing them of current deals, it is also a great way to communicate. Of the many reasons to communicate with your customers through text, Business News Daily points out five.

The Opt-In Feature
Because text message marketing is an opt-in feature, you know that the customers you are reaching truly do want to hear from you. You aren’t wasting valuable resources on customers who will never be interested in the service or product you offer.

Engaging Your Customers
The next reason is that you are able to engage your customers. Your customers are going to read the message right away, and you’ll be able to communicate with them. If you have a better automated text messaging system, you can even allow for smart, computed responses to the things your customers text in to you. This keeps them engaged and interested in the company.

Fast And Easy
It takes a long time to come up with a marketing campaign and execute it through print ads and social media, but sending a text is easy. All you have to do is type a few words and send it. Because it is easy to send and easy to read in just a few seconds, you’ll save yourself and your customers some time.

As Business News Daily makes clear, sending your customers text messages as a marketing technique is significantly cheaper than trying to do any other marketing campaign. It is fast, easy, and doesn’t suck up your entire marketing budget.

Interactive Messaging
The last thing is the the messaging service is interactive. By linking to videos, pictures, and websites, you offer your customers a way to quickly access your company. You will also develop a relationship if your customers feel as though you are interacting with them regularly. Of course, you wouldn’t want to send a text every day because it could push away customers, but you also need to send them at least once a month.

The Most Important Step
The most important thing to remember when setting up a texting system is that communication is key. Some texting platforms only let you send mass texts but don’t allow for automated responses when customers text in. You need to be able to recognize when your customers are unhappy, when they want more, when they need directions, and more. If your customers know they can text you to ask for direction or text you for store hours, they will think they are talking to a real person. This will develop relationships better. On top of that, you are basically offering great customer service without having to pay too much. It is cost effective and will get more customers in the door.

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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Evolution of Mobile Marketing

Not too long ago, the term mobile marketing was synonymous with text message marketing. It used to be that sending a text was pretty much the extent of a company’s mobile marketing strategy. Today the mobile marketing industry looks very different. There are hundreds of different ways to go about it and no two mobile marketing strategies are the same. With the new year just beginning, let’s take a look at some of the ways mobile marketing has evolved over time.

Mobile Marketing Today
Today, almost 100% of Americans have a mobile phone, over 50% of mobile phones are smartphones. Additionally, tablets have reached a 20% penetration share. With so many smartphone owners out there, more people are accessing the internet on the go than ever before. With more and more internet traffic originating from mobile devices, businesses are always pushing for new ways to meet the needs of mobile consumers. Through all the changes in the mobile marketing world however, SMS remains one of the most popular channels.

SMS For Inbound And Outbound
One reason SMS remains so popular is that texts can be read on all mobile devices whether they have internet capabilities or not. Also, SMS is extremely effective. Consider that on overage, it takes 2.5 days for an email to be opened but 95% of text messages are opened within three minutes. Contrary to popular belief, SMS marketing is a two-way communication. Not only can businesses communicate with customers, but customers communicate as well by opting in, participating in surveys, and entering sweepstakes. Some businesses are even exploring automated text response systems in which customers ask questions about hours of locations via text and receive an appropriate response.
Push Notifications And In-App Advertising
Though mobile users do spend approximately 20% of their mobile usage time on the web, the other 80% is spent in apps. As a result, the ability to advertise to consumers while they are engaged in an app is a powerful one. Many marketers are investing in in-app advertising and push notifications. Unlike other mobile marketing channels which require the customer to initiate contact, push notifications give businesses the power to initiate dialogue. Push notifications can be used to offer specials deals, order confirmations, loyalty points statements, and many other real time communications.

Mobile Marketing Is Getting Personal
A major advantage to mobile marketing is that it is very personal. Compared to a radio or TV ad that consumers are likely to tune out or fast forward, mobile advertisements have a way of connecting with consumers. Mobile devices, especially smartphones, are man’s new best friend. They go everywhere their owners go. Brands that are looking to connect with customers on a personal level need to find ways to interact with people through their phones. The more a businesses is able to connect with and meet the needs of customers on a personal level, the more success they’re going to see.

Responsive Design
In the early days of smartphones, few businesses had a mobile optimized website. That means customers trying to view a website on a smartphone had to do a lot of zooming in to try and read it. Today, many more businesses have mobile optimized websites and a new option is available, responsive design. Rather than having to create a separate mobile website, businesses can opt for responsive design. It allows businesses to focus on developing just one website that will optimize itself according to the mobile device being used to view it.
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Monday, April 7, 2014

Android To Offer Voice Recognition In Cars

There are only a few things Apple offers in the iPhone that you can’t also find in an Android. For a while there, Apple had a good thing offering the only real competition to Blackberry in the smartphone market and providing the newest technology out there. Unfortunately for Apple, competitors are starting to catch up. Android, for example, is working on a deal right now with Audi to catch up with Apple. Google may not be left behind for much longer after all.

Apple iPhone Features With Cars
Some cars have already integrated Siri into their system. It is really convenient to be able to talk to your car to ask for directions or get answers without having to pick up your phone. This is especially true while driving because it is dangerous and distracting to try and use your phone while on the road. Unfortunately, Siri is the only compatible voice recognition service that does this so far, and that means only your iPhone will work with the car. It is just one more reason to choose iPhone over all the competitors. At least, it is for now.

Deal With Android And Audi
Android doesn’t ever want to get left behind, which means working hard to catch up right now. That is why Audi and Android started talks to hopefully make Android compatible with cars in the future. Though the capacity of the relationship between Google and Audi has not yet been released, it is clear that they want to work to put more Android phones into your cars, according to Digital Trends.

The Good And The Bad
With every move, especially when companies start working together, there is the good and the bad. In this partnership, the good news is that both parties are getting something. Android has a chance to catch up to Apple and possibly even one-up the iPhone. And Audi will probably increase sales with a big name such as Google associated with it. Everyone wins when there is a combination so great as this one. However, it could also be damaging to Audi. If Audi only offers Google phone compatibility, then people with the iPhone won’t want to buy an Audi vehicle. The Apple market is huge, and it wouldn’t be wise for any company to purposefully push iPhone users away from their product. Google might struggle too, if Android’s voice recognition technology isn’t up to speed and people are using it on a regular basis in their vehicles. It could force Android to make updates and changes quickly without proper testing, leading to unhappy customers and incomplete products.

Infotainment Systems
Our society is built on entertainment, even in our cars. We have infotainment systems that, for the most part, we just control on our own right now. But if you have an iPhone and Siri-compatible vehicle, you can have your phone do it for you. And if you have an Android, you may soon get a chance to have your phone work with your car to keep you entertained.

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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Samsung vs. Apple: The End Is Near

There is nothing customers hate worse than to see your company constantly in lawsuits over things. It makes you look unreliable and as if you are just trying to cheat people. Even if the lawsuits are semi-legitimate, like the ones between Apple and Samsung, people will look poorly on the suit and the companies involved. Luckily for Apple and Samsung, the patent war may soon be over, and they can go on with their lives instead of wasting millions of dollars in court fees every year.

The Battle For The Win
Samsung and Apple have been court for over two years trying to hash out the details of a patent argument. Samsung thinks Apple stole its technology, and Apple argues Samsung stole technology. The battle has been financially and physically draining to both the companies that would much rather put all that money towards creating new technology instead of fighting over old technology, it seems. Apple and Samsung are now officially in talks to end the fight and hopefully bring back some of their good names.

Who Has Been Winning So Far?
The answer to that question is up in the air. Really, both sides have had their fair share of wins, but Apple has been the winner more recently in the last few months winning a couple of different cases against Samsung. According to CNET, Apple has most recently won the US over in a patent case, which might be the reason why Samsung is even considering a settlement to get it all over with. If they have to lose, at least they can choose how they leave the fight.

Will It Really End Soon?
The truth is, neither side can fairly decide what the settlement should be to stop the fighting. It has caused a whole new argument over who should pay who how much. More or less, the companies are trying to decide who has won the war, which means deciding who needs to pay who for patent infringement. By settling, one or the other will be admitting that they were wrong all along. Apple wants a $30 fee for every device in violation of a patent as part of the settlement, which Samsung isn’t likely to accept since that is a large chunk of profit on every phone sold.

Get It Over With Already
All customers are sick of this fight and feel like it is a waste of time and resources to keep hashing it out in court. We just want to be able to purchase the latest and greatest phones with everything we want in them. If only Apple and Samsung could just get together and agree already, all customers would be happy. Better yet, maybe they could just combine companies and put all that work together to create the greatest and most powerful phones. Worst of all is the fact that this will be a long legal battle to settle if the two companies aren’t willing to compromise. Customers like me are saying just get it over with already. We’re sick of hearing you fight.

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