Friday, November 15, 2013

Latest And Greatest: Smartwatch Phase

As we’ve discussed before, the difference between making it and breaking it for big cell phone companies is having the next best thing. And even if you didn’t invent it yourself, you still have to offer it. That is exactly why smartphones all have similar new features and why all the cell phone companies seem to be running to release new smart watches.

Keeping Up With The Joneses

Normally, keeping up with the Joneses has a negative connotation to it, but in the smartphone manufacturing world, it isn’t so bad. It just means creating better technology to get more sales. According to the LA Times, there is a new Sony smartwatch available and a Google smartwatch isn’t that far behind. Instead of sitting by and waiting to see whether or not people actually like the smartwatch before creating technology similar to it, these manufacturers have just jumped right on the bandwagon. After all, What could go wrong with a giant, bulky watch that doesn’t have nearly as many capabilities as you would like?

Smartwatch Reviews

Though the idea of having something close at hand that keeps you updated on everything is brilliant, the smartwatch hasn’t quite perfected it. Most people who have gotten a smartwatch say it probably isn’t worth your money today but may be worth your money in a few years when it has been perfected. Right now, it mostly just notifies you of text messages and email alerts, but it doesn’t allow you to browse the internet or do a quick analysis of information. Hopefully, that will be fixed in the near future.

The people I know who want the new Galaxy Gear really want the new smartwatch but more out of a way to play with it and use the latest technology than to actually use it as a helpful device. There is nothing “cooler” than having the newest technology, so even if it isn’t perfect, many technology buffs will hop on board.

Businesses To Jump On Board

Those of you out there with a business looking to profit off the new smartwatch sensation should probably consider working on mobile advertising. It is critical that your website is prepared for mobile viewing and that buying products can be easily done online. Make sure you have social media ready for viewing and that your business is interactive with the customers. Open communication is the most important part of getting and keeping new customers. Texting programs need to be clear and easy to use.

One of the only things even available on the smartwatch as of right now is texting. That means you need to make sure texting is set up in your business. If you don’t have any kind of texting program set up, it will be really hard to keep up with the times. Those who have texting already set up will be well ahead. There is nothing better than having the ability to quickly relay a message about your business knowing it will appear on the customer’s wrist. How much closer can you get?

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