Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Get The Moto E Without Breaking The Bank

Breaking a smartphone is devastating if you didn't already have insurance on it because getting a new one will cost you hundreds of dollars. But that may all be about to change with the Motorola Moto E. Even without a contract, you won't have to pay much to get it. As the technology improves and the cost of production increases, the cost of smartphones should be dropping making them more accessible to more people. And the more people who have smartphones, the easier it will be for you to market to them.
News For The Motorola Moto E
When the Moto E launched Tuesday, people were excited to finally see a smartphone being sold at a reasonable price. At only $129 without a contract, you can afford this for anyone in the family, according to PC World. However, a cheaper phone does mean fewer perks. For example, you will not find a front facing camera on the Moto E, and the camera you do find will only have 5-megapixels and there is no LTE. The phone may be missing a few of the luxuries we have come to love in our expensive smartphones, but it may be worth it. At the very least, someone who needs to replace their phone before the two year mark may want to consider getting this one. It is also a great option for kids and teenagers giving them all the functionality of a smartphone without having to pay through the roof. Maybe the screen is a little smaller than you would like too, but at least you get a sleek looking smartphone for half the price of anything else.
Old School Radio
Our kids probably don't even know what radio is given that most of us use iTunes at home and in the car. With the Moto E, you'll have the ability to listen to the radio. It may seem a little old school, but the radio certainly isn't a dying art. And it allows the users of the phone to stream music without having to use a data connection, which is a big deal for teens. Parents won't have to get unlimited data packages for music if this phone is used to simply listen to the radio instead. Getting the radio from your phone seems like something you should already be able to do, which is why we might start seeing it in more smartphones.
What Does This Mean For Marketing?
For one, it means mobile marketing is becoming more complex than ever it will be productive to do radio advertising again. These kinds of smartphones being offered at a lower price will also mean a wider audience. More people will have smartphones, which means your advertising efforts will reach more people. Though in a way, one method of marketing to customers will help simplify your efforts, the numbers of ways you can market through a smartphone may make things much more complicated. Just make sure you start with the basics: texting. Everyone who has a cell phone gets texts, and it is not going to go away anytime soon.
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