Wednesday, April 23, 2014

January Slump - Follow With Texter Deals

January is a dreaded month for most businesses. Christmas is over, and everyone has already returned and bought everything after Christmas. Now, you are probably trying to figure out how you can quickly get more customers through the door. There’s no time to develop and execute a marketing strategy, and really you just need customers for a few more weeks before Valentine’s Day and Taxes bring in more business. The best way is to use texter deals.

Start With A Text
Texting is a great way to communicate with your customers. Not only will the be able to ask you questions and get automated answers, but you will also be able to communicate with them during the slower periods. Texter deals are the best way to go. If you need more customers right now to get you through the January slump, all you have to do is send a text offering some sort of discount or free items. This will bring in customers, especially if it is for a limited time only. Offer a coupon good only until the end of January, and you should be able to bring in more business. Better yet, offer discounts only available on the weekend to get customers in right now.

Figure Out What To Offer
The key to marketing isn’t just sending out a deal. The key is to market what people actually need. Far too many companies think that the goal is to convince customers to buy something they don’t necessarily need. And while it is true that your customers probably don’t desperately need a new shirt every week or extra sweets, it is as good as a need to them if they want it and have the money to buy it. What your marketing should focus on is filling that need. When you market towards filling a need in society instead of just something extra to buy, all of the sudden people want it a lot more, according to VerticalResponse. Try and make sure you show your customers the need they need to fill and how you can best help them.

No More Campaigns: Think Long Term
Getting over the winter hurdle might be best spent focusing on creating long term relationships instead of short term gratification. Maybe a coupon will bring in customers now, but will they still be your customers next year? Make sure you boost your customer service efforts to build better relationships. Customer service is especially important after everyone has just done all their Christmas shopping and now has nothing left to do but complain. One way to build and maintain these relationships is through texting. Your customers will like text programs because they get coupons, but it is even more valuable to know there is someone on the other end to help if you are having any problems. Your customers will appreciate your close-up attention to help them anytime they need it, whether it be for your store hours, directions to your location, questions about an order, and more. With quick and easy access to customer service through texting, your customers will feel like you are taking care of them and will come back again and again. Send the texter deals, but make sure you follow up with great customer service.

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